Bedroom Reduction Declaration form - To be used if you have 2 people in your household that can share a bedroom, enabling you to bid on smaller homes.
Local Connection form - To be used to confirm that you have a local connection to Somerset due to a close family member who has lived here for the last 5 years.
Care Received form - To be used to confirm the details of support you receive.
Care Provided form - To be used to confirm the details of support you provide.
Closer to Facilities form - To be used if you need to move closer to a hospital, treatment centre etc.
Additional Disability or Adaptions form - To be used if your current property is not suitable for you due a disability or a need for adaptations.
Income and Expenditure form - To be completed if requested by your local housing team
Address History form - To be completed if requested by your local housing team
Habitual Residence Form - This form needs to be completed by British Citizens who have returned to the UK in the last 2 years after living abroad.