Money matters

Paying for living in the scheme can be split into three defined areas. With the second and third of these areas you may be entitled to financial support from social care. 

1. Accommodation costs

You must discuss what the rent and any associated accommodation cost will be. Also, ask about annual cost increases. You will always be responsible for meeting these costs. Rent is for the use and occupation of your home. In addition to your rent there will be a service charge which will cover items such as:

• Cleaning and servicing communal areas

• Refuse services

• Fire alarms, detection and fire-fighting equipment

• Door entry maintenance

• Lighting and heating in communal areas

• Maintaining communal equipment

All of the above charges are set and collected by the housing provider.  

How can I get help to pay towards my rent?

Depending on your income you may qualify for Housing Benefit to help towards your rent. Your landlord will help you to apply for this.

2. Care and Support Cover 

As well as the accommodation costs, there is a standard amount that is payable towards the 24-hour on-site staff team, who can respond if you need them. If you have eligible care or support needs, you will be financially assessed and pay what you can afford.  If you do not have eligible care and support needs you will have to pay the full amount. This is a social care charge which will be collected by the on-site providers.

3. Care costs (Individual care needs)

Following your care assessment, if you have additional care needs, for example shopping, or assistance with housework, you can choose to purchase these in addition to your social care assessment. 

Care costs will be paid to and collected by your care provider.